How to facilitate the transition to adulthood? Innovative solutions from parents of young adults with profound intellectual disability
Portrait de la pratique ergothérapique en déficience intellectuelle et les défis associés : Une enquête en ligne
Navigating unique intersectional experiences: LGBTQ+ community organizations addressing individuals with intellectual disabilities’ needs
Points de vue d’adultes vieillissants ayant une déficience intellectuelle à l’égard de leur participation sociale
Realities of LGBTQ+ People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Narrative Review of the Literature through the Lens of Recognition Theory
Factors influencing palliative and end-of-life care for adults with intellectual disabilities: a scoping review of health and care workers’ experiences
«C’est comme si on n’était pas les bienvenus»: Les éléments de l’environnement social qui facilitent ou freinent l’accès à la ville des personnes aînées ayant des incapacités
Outcomes of an Intervention to Build Early Childhood Educators’ Capacity to Promote the Participation of Autistic Children with Reactions to Sensory Stimulations
Supporting the participation of autistic children: development, acceptability and feasibility of an intervention to build capacity of early childhood educators