What can I do once I finish school? Social participation of individuals with profound intellectual disability in adulthood: Scoping review
Specific needs of families of young adults with profound ID during and after transition to adulthood : What are we missing?
How to facilitate the transition to adulthood? Innovative solutions from parents of young adults with profound intellectual disability
Factors impacting the transition to adulthood of youth with fragile X syndrome and their families: Facilitators, obstacles and needs
Obstacles to the transition to adulthood of people with severe to profound intellectual disability and potential solutions: Perspectives of professionals in one region of Quebec
Regard sur les retombées d’activités artistiques pour des adultes présentant une déficience intellectuelle
Portrait de la pratique ergothérapique en déficience intellectuelle et les défis associés : Une enquête en ligne
Action priorities to facilitate planning of the transition to adulthood of young people with profound intellectual disability
Navigating unique intersectional experiences: LGBTQ+ community organizations addressing individuals with intellectual disabilities’ needs
Points de vue d’adultes vieillissants ayant une déficience intellectuelle à l’égard de leur participation sociale